Youth Faith Formation
Youth Ministry
Confirmation 2019
First Holy Communion 2019
First Holy Communion 2019
Our parish has vibrant programs for our children and teens, and our catechists are dedicated to working with parents to educate our youth in our Catholic Faith. The most important teachers in a child's life are their parents; we are not here to take the place of Mom and Dad, but to support their efforts. Class sizes are capped at 25 students and enrollment is on a first come-first serve basis due to our limited classroom space and the growing number of students we serve. Classes run from September 26th-May 1st Sundays at St. Joseph CCD: Pre K/K & 1st-3rd Grade September 26 - May 1 from 9:30 am-10:45 am Confirmation: 9:30am-10:45am RCIA Spanish: 12:00-1:00pm Wednesdays at St. Joseph CCD: Grades 3 -7 First Year First Communion: Second Year Confirmation: September 26 -May 1 from 6:30 pm -7:45 pm. Thursdays at St. Joseph RCIA English 6 pm Sundays at St. Peter Mission CCD: Pre-k/K - H.S. 9:30 am - 10:30 am Please come to the Office with any questions.
These programs are open to all registered, practicing families. |
Sacramental Preparation
First Reconciliation & First Holy Communion: This is a 2-consecutive year program. Children should be at least 7 years of age (first grade) to begin preparation for these two sacraments. Birth and baptismal certificates are required at enrollment. Confirmation: Confirmation is open to students 7th-12th grade or 13+. We will need a copy of your child's birth and baptismal certificate, with notations detailing their First Communion. |